Sunday, January 27, 2008

something on my heart

A week ago, the anniversary of Roe v. Wade came again. This is a sad reminder that this is a free country for only a percentage of our population. Everyday, in the United States, 3700 lives are ended by abortion. Everyday. 1.37 million a year. In the United States alone.

I know probably 50% of you who read this blog. Most of you are pro-life to the core. And I know some of you would never have an abortion, or encourage someone to have one, however you would never legislate against it.

The following website should give you plenty reason to desire with your entire being a change in legislation. I challenge those of you who value human life, but who aren't horrified at the realities of abortion enough to do something on some level to stop it.
(one recommendation though: turn the volume down low when the video comes on...I had it up too loud and I thought I my heart was going to come out of my chest!)

If you say, "I can't go there". Or, if you close your eyes to the horror of abortion, are you not being like ones who could smell the wafts of burning flesh coming off the ovens of the concentration camps who did nothing? Human lives are being destroyed.

I guess my first hope is that you would be compelled first to pray. Pray for abortion providers to come to know Christ, pray for women to protect life hidden within them, pray for boyfriends and husbands to take a responsibility...start by praying.

If you have more time, see what you can do in your community.

I have a friend who calmly stands near an abortion facility on Saturday mornings. She prays. And the Lord sometimes gives her words. This past Spring, the Lord gave her enough words to speak truth to a couple who does not speak English. They decided to keep their baby. She was born this past Fall. My friend brought an interpreter (who was pro-choice, by the way) with her when she went to visit her in the hospital. The new Mom pointed to my friend and said, "She saved my baby girl". Yes and no. God saved her...through my friend. And she knows that.

Be encouraged. Be challenged. Seek truth.

Check these out:

abortion statistics

Is abortion racist? (short answer: yep)

An article Brent appreciated so much that he passed it around downtown.

why care?


Kelly said...

Thanks for making such a grand statement on your blog for pro-life. As an adoptive parent, I have no greater respect than for birthmoms. Moms who chose to carry their baby full term and give that baby a chance for a wonderful life. That's what it means to be pro-life...not just to believe it and vote for it, but to care for those babies after they have escaped abortion! Thanks for a great reminder Jenna!

Unknown said...

Great article.
Abortion = Torture

Ramona Wicht said...

Right on! Having lost nine little lives to miscarriage, I cannot imagine ending a life through abortion. Our nation needs to come to its senses, and the time is NOW!

Thank you for speaking for those who have no voice.