it snowed today. i was so glad. i love these winters. our family must embrace them...or they might just swallow us up. so. we get out the gloves and snowsuits and smile at the cloudy skies and say, "thank you, God, for the beauty of snow." He truly is amazing. God. There is nothing that we can create that he hasn't given us the resources for. He is the source. He is the Creator. He is involved in all. In our Thanksgiving devotion with the Dykstra's, Steve led us in a time of praise. i was thankful for this: God is in all things. even though satan tries to separate from the Amighty God, and tries to work his own plan, God is the Master over all. Whatever one might intend for evil, God is over all and intends it for good. He will redeem. He is Good. He works Good. i praise Him for his sovereignty over all. He is our greatest Hope.
here's the pics we do have.
the guys played a LOT outside...even in 3/4 " of snow
this is probably the only time "little girl" (as i usually call
her) will don this pink vest. isn't it swell? i wish i had one.
i said, "Brent, could you put her in the Thanksgiving outfit?"
and this is what happened. can you tell what's missing?
yep. the shirt. brent tends to bring
comic relief into my life regularly. love him.
this pose also made me laugh. she just stood
there, leaning back...i finally just relieved her
of her little soldier stance after a bit. (Sorry there's no
tights, Mom. She pooped out of those early on!)
Tiffany and her newborn
Jude AND Steve with Jeneva.
Jillian looks So serious,just love those chubby cheeks!!
hi jenna. do you remember me??? your long lost love from covenant church! your kids are so cute! hope you guys are well!!!
She looks so stoic in her solider stance. I love that we call our daughters "little girl." Can we always use the same pet names please?
Why is it that chubby cheeks and thighs are only attractive on a baby? Adorable.
Hey Jenna!
I love the "soldier stance"!!
that made me laugh.
she is getting so big!
Glad everything is going well
Hi Jenna! It's been too long since my last visit. This post made me laugh out loud...the shirt. Ahh...
Also...your words about God, creator, resources...I have a words at work that are in front of me all day, "God creates, people re-arrange." Truthfully, I love re-arranging and having the opportunity to work with and touch all the things that God has created.
Miss you guys fierce. God's blessings on you and yours. Happy New Year!
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