My Mom called today, following up on letters she wrote to the boys, wondering how they liked them. A friend called and asked the other day, "Was the meal I brought okay?" Last night, my friend Allison called and stated quickly, "Just need a health report."
So, yeah. I have had major communication fail these days.
So, the last post was the day before the FLU--yes the
FLU, and maybe
THE Flu--hit our home. Wow. Phoebe wasn't even a week old, and we had fevers of 105, puking and lung-convulsing coughs in our home. lovely.
So, yeah. That's where I've been. So far, Brent, Phoebe and I have NOT gotten sick. Jillian still has sniffles and a nasty cough. She's heard everything from, "Cover your cough with your arm," to "Go cough in that room," to "Honey, if Phoebe gets your cough, she'll die." (I don't have a reputation for my tact, k?)
Here's some brain dumpage on one general topic: Changes
1. My hair. A.) What the heck has happened to it? Is it my age? A fourth pregnancy? It's fuzzy and stringy at the same time. It totally requires the use of a flat iron. B.) I'm actually willing to take time to do my hair. Up to this point, I've required THE lowest hair maintenance of ANYONE I know. Seriously. I DON'T OWN A BOTTLE OF HAIRSPRAY. I do have a spray that is used for flat-ironing. And it's getting used. Even with all the newborn/flu stuff going on, taking time for my hair (so that I don't scare the children) has become necessary.
2. Newborn fingernails. While we're on the subject of personal hygiene, I'd like to mention that I trimmed Phoebe's super long nails the day we came home from the hospital. None of this emery board silliness. I think that's just one difference between Jenna2000 and Jenna2009. I'm using nail clippers on my newborn dang it.
3. Before I had the baby, I thought I was nesting because of all that cleaning I was doing. No. I think I'm just a changed woman. I think that having SIX members of our family in a small home has made me a freak about keeping a clean home. There is simply no time,
nay...there is NO ROOM for crumbs, mess, dirty dishes, GERMS and so on. In fact, that's another reason it's hard to sit down and write. I could be cleaning right now.
so tempting...
4. How many times can I tell you how much I love the boys' new school??? Huge change. I LOVE IT! I NEVER, EVER, EVER, EVER thought I'd be satisfied with a school. So glad I was wrong.
5. Change. me not make sentences very good. That's how I feel when I talk to people these days. I left the most awkward voice mail yesterday. Make that (at least) two awkward voice mails. I actually got feedback from one friend that I sounded DRUGGED. nice. I'm not even on ibuprofen, people. I feel like a schmuck that I've dropped the ball and hardly called or facebooked or emailed anyone. But, me not make sentences very good. I'll get better soon. Perhaps when I get a four hour stretch of sleep, okay?
I'll write this quickly (because I'm delusional if I think I'll get it done any other way in the next 48 hours):
I have LOVED getting packages in the mail! Thank you, A & W, Mom and Dad, Carol, Mom #2, Priscilla & Dave and Joy & fam! (I probably missed someone!)
Also, we have LOVED every meal that has been dropped off! Ah-MAZE-ING, people. Delish.
This is not to replace official Thank Yous. I have actual thank you notes I want to send, but in the meantime, just know that we love our gifts and not only have the meals NOURISHED us, they've tasted delish-y-oso!
Ending post abruptly (it's "publish" now or never, friends!!)
pictures coming soon...