First stop: Savers
Mission: Find "The Best" item. Such a loose category. Could be anything really.
...a classic Cosby sweater or a HUGE pair of underwear. What makes that cane qualify for the best?
yeah...It said something like, "since you have become so old and decrepit..." nice.
Brent found a great pair of women's pants. I got The Best of Shalamar. (I also found an Arlo Guthrie record that WAS pretty awesome. Alice's Restaurant, people? I know. so cool.)
Then, we played "who can find a John Piper book first." I was sure I would find The Passion of Jesus Christ. I just had to zone in on the color scheme I knew so well. And it paid off! Ironically, Abraham picked up a book right between these two...I think it was a Tripp book. Ha! Paul David TRIPPED him up. yesssss! I win
I wish we played a game that resulted in this picture. Molly wins. I can't look at this without my eyes watering.
Molly also found this gem.
hmmm...if I just put some circles next to it...yup, that looks just barely bootlegged. (and, thank you, abraham for photo-bombing. nice work.)
So, after a bunch of laughs, we headed out to THE best pizza place in town, Parkway Pizza!!
Here's a very tired looking me and my wonderful husband.
And there's the happy couple. Silly, really.
My guess is that my sister would bet that it was ME who kept slicing a piece of pizza into smaller and smaller bites, but I don't think I was working alone here. Apparently, there are others who have the "just one more sliver" tendency!!!
Best part about this picture? Mollly's toes. Too cute!
Thanks M & A for the fun adventure!!!
Oh, you guys are all just WAY too cute. I am happy you had such a fun time. I laughed hard at these pictures. Glad to see you posting, too!
Can't believe you didn't get the Arlo Guthrie album. Actually I only know about his cowboy album (Song of the Wind, I think), but I listen to it when I want to feel like an American.
This looks like such a fun night. :)
I LOVE find the best in the store game - did that with some friends the other night - in WalMart! :)
I want to play strange games and eat pizza with you too. Okay, I'll come to MN
You guys are hilarious! "More Emails from God to Teens" looks like a riveting read.
yeah...seems like the sequel to "More emails..." might be "Txts from God" or "Tweets from God"
Well that looks like a blast!
Thrift stores always have some cuh-ra-zy finds.
1. will you guys please adopt me?
2. i once owned email from God for teens. my mom bought it for me. see #1 above.
3. glad you're blogging!!!
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