Thursday, March 10, 2011

double date

So we got to go on a double date with our super fun friends, Molly and Abraham. What do four parents of a combined eight children do on a Friday night?

First stop: Savers
Mission: Find "The Best" item. Such a loose category. Could be anything really.


...a classic Cosby sweater or a HUGE pair of underwear. What makes that cane qualify for the best?

yeah...It said something like, "since you have become so old and decrepit..." nice.

Brent found a great pair of women's pants. I got The Best of Shalamar. (I also found an Arlo Guthrie record that WAS pretty awesome. Alice's Restaurant, people? I know. so cool.)

After I clearly nobody won our contest, we made our way to the books and media section. Naturally. We found some books that you might want to run out and get before they sell out of them!!!

Then, we played "who can find a John Piper book first." I was sure I would find The Passion of Jesus Christ. I just had to zone in on the color scheme I knew so well. And it paid off! Ironically, Abraham picked up a book right between these two...I think it was a Tripp book. Ha! Paul David TRIPPED him up. yesssss! I win again!

I wish we played a game that resulted in this picture. Molly wins. I can't look at this without my eyes watering.

Molly also found this gem.

hmmm...if I just put some circles next to it...yup, that looks just barely bootlegged. (and, thank you, abraham for photo-bombing. nice work.)

So, after a bunch of laughs, we headed out to THE best pizza place in town, Parkway Pizza!!

Here's a very tired looking me and my wonderful husband.

And there's the happy couple. Silly, really.

My guess is that my sister would bet that it was ME who kept slicing a piece of pizza into smaller and smaller bites, but I don't think I was working alone here. Apparently, there are others who have the "just one more sliver" tendency!!!

Best part about this picture? Mollly's toes. Too cute!

Thanks M & A for the fun adventure!!!


Unknown said...

Oh, you guys are all just WAY too cute. I am happy you had such a fun time. I laughed hard at these pictures. Glad to see you posting, too!

Jess said...

Can't believe you didn't get the Arlo Guthrie album. Actually I only know about his cowboy album (Song of the Wind, I think), but I listen to it when I want to feel like an American.

{cuppakim} said...

This looks like such a fun night. :)
I LOVE find the best in the store game - did that with some friends the other night - in WalMart! :)

Casey Zachary said...

I want to play strange games and eat pizza with you too. Okay, I'll come to MN

Sarah Johnson said...

You guys are hilarious! "More Emails from God to Teens" looks like a riveting read.

Jenna said...

yeah...seems like the sequel to "More emails..." might be "Txts from God" or "Tweets from God"

Greta said...

Well that looks like a blast!

Thrift stores always have some cuh-ra-zy finds.

Anonymous said...

1. will you guys please adopt me?
2. i once owned email from God for teens. my mom bought it for me. see #1 above.
3. glad you're blogging!!!