Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Miles wanted to make a pillow for his sister.
First, he ironed his fabric.
And then he stitched and filled.

And, voila!
ahhhh...the comfort of a pillow...


Jenny said...

Get out. Cute cute. He's one step ahead of me. I never iron :) Oh, wait. HE's WAAAY ahead of me. I don't sew. hmm.

.kp. said...


Our Family said...

Awesome job, Miles! That was sweet of him to serve his sister. He has a precious heart.

And could Jillian get any cuter?! SERIOUSLY?!

Rachel said...

Oh Miles, that is too quite. And Jenna, I love how you coordinated Jillian's outfit to match the pillow--perfect!

kwitters said...

Hey there Jenna,

Got your comments. It's always good to hear from you - love your enthusiasm. :o)

I too wish we could sew together - I would LOVE IT.

Sophie almost sat still for her hair cut. If I let her play with my barettes or type new fonts on the computer I can get in a few cuts here and there. I've had to fix it about 6 more times since the blog pics. It's a work in progress. Just like me. Just like her.

I feel so complimented that you would want Soph's clothes. And am thinking you'll understand when I let you in on the fact that we store it for our friends who had triplet girls last summer. I find myself trying to make or buy things in coordinating sets of three. 5% started on three little sweaters.

Anyway, miss you all. I'm so proud of Miles - what a great pillow and what a selfless, loving act. Say hi to all the males for me and give that little girl a gentle kiss on my behalf. What a great family you are.


Kim said...

I started crying when I read about your "dates" with Miles and Avery. I pray that someday I have a son who is man enough to stitch Lucy a pillow.