Okay. I chose three songs that I thought anybody could enjoy. But, still, is it rather presumptuous to have the music start automatically? Is it distracting? Is it pleasant?
Please vote whether you think music should start automatically or whether it should be controlled completely by the viewer.
love all three....love that I don't have a choice...draws out the emotion in me from moment #1...I'd say I like them in the order they fall although I like them all. Blackbird would be my favorite. None of them are easy to dance to but I don't think that is what you are trying to accomplish. The beat goes on...
I vote. YES. Love it all black. Oh, the tunes, well, the baby's sleeping next to me so my volume is off. I'll let you know next time what I think.
doesnt bother me but can be distracting when i am trying to read a serious blog.
j'taime miles.
i like bon jovi, livin' on a prayer.
thanks. i'll add that to the playlist...in my head.
Are we voting about which song we like, or whether we want it to start right away?
I personally don't like music that starts right away when I open a blog. I ALWAYS mute it.
except that I'm listening right now :) very nice.
okay. autostart is off. but, the option is still there. and i added a dance tune for sarah by the postal service.
I, too, am against the autostart, but don't mind the music. Don't seem to mind the black background, but now that it has been pointed out to me, I am sure to be bugged.
Love ya miss ya
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