Tuesday, January 6, 2009

i'm not a steady eddy

I get things done in bursts. The gimpy ankle is not conducive to my habits. Everything takes so much longer than it used to.

Oh, how I wish I could be a steady eddy, whose every stride is some modest accomplishment, which accumulates over the course of the day into some triumphant crossed-off to-do list.


Anonymous said...

Hmmmm Steady Eddie I know that guy...good memories reading w/the boys!!

Jenna, you sound very poetic. Are you a steady Eddie when the ankle is good?
I find myself determining my day too much on what I've accomplished or not on my to-do list. That never ending list........May I get IT done & move on in 2009. :))) A friend & I have a wager, whoever can get their pressing items on the list done 1st, the other treats for a mani/pedi. No winner yet.

Jenna said...

Carol! It sounds like you've chosen your competitor well!!

.kp. said...

just decide to do "it" and you will. dont give yourself the luxury of being distracted. purpose is a choice.

Anonymous said...

I think it's a pretty common struggle, Jenna. I can imagine your ankle injury is not helping, as well.

One day at a time....